
Imlib2 id3tag-loader


This package contains a plugin which makes imlib2 capable of parsing id3 tags
of mp3 files. This plugin is packaged separately because it links with
libid3tag which is GPLv2+, thus making imlib2 and apps using it subject to the
conditions of the GPL version 2 (or at your option) any later version.


License: GPLv2+

Vendor: Philippe Troin <>


imlib2-id3tag-loader-1.4.2- [14 KiB] Changelog by Philippe Troin (2009-06-30):
- Use smarter limits (image cannot grow over 2 Gi pixels) instead of preventing
  loading any image bigger than 8k x 8k pixels.
imlib2-id3tag-loader-1.4.2- [14 KiB] Changelog by Philippe Troin (2009-06-30):
- Use smarter limits (image cannot grow over 2 Gi pixels) instead of preventing
  loading any image bigger than 8k x 8k pixels.